Friday, September 4, 2009

Business Committed to Meetings, Just Not This Year

A new survey released this week by Forbes Insight (the research arm of the publisher of the famous business magazine) shows while leading executives still believe in the power of face-to-face meetings, they are not showing their enthusiasm in spending approval for such gatherings.

Eight-four percent of the more than 700 decision-makers surveyed in June said they prefer such conferences as opposed to web conferences, video conferences or teleconferences. However 58 percent of those polled said they are traveling less frequently than in January 2008.

The study also found that virtual meetings work best for information dissemination and data presentation. For more details (

This survey suggests that meeting destinations try their best to offer the best of both worlds to meeting planners. For instance, the METS Center, Northern Kentucky's premier high-tech conference center (, is advocating web conferencing which allows meetings to take place but can also utilize technology so the event can be broadcast globally to hold down widespread travel costs. In the end, the economic impact to the community might be down but it allows meetings to take place, which does provide some relief to local coffers.

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