Belated apologies for not writing for so long. It was a matter of too many out of town work trips, college visits for my graduating high school senior and the subsequent graduation of said senior. In fact, some much time has passed, I need to change the focus surrounding the picture to the left. I visited New York City in mid-May as part of a hospitality after-hours party for national media, hosted by the Kentucky Department of Tourism and several of the state Convention and Visitors Bureaus and leading attractions. The purpose of the party was to educate writers on some of our leading tourist sites in the state---Northern Kentucky included. With only 24 hours to spend in NYC, I had little time to do sightseeing but wanted to take in a nearby Big Apple attraction, Top of the Rock
(that's me pictured left standing atop Rockefeller Center--with the Empire State Building in the backdrop). Top of the Rock
shared a distinction with the now-suspended Purple People Bridge Climb attraction. Both were named earlier this year to Arthur Frommer's Budget Travel Magazine's Top Ten Thrills. The Thrill is gone in Newport for now since the Climb's operator shut the attraction down because of financial difficulties. I have been questioned often since as to whether the PPBC will ever reopen. Not much is known at this point. However the non-profit board that regulates the Bridge has decided not to tear down the climbing steps and railing on the Bridge right now. So there is always hope that the attraction can be revived at a later date.